Chrome Shelled Regios Review - Anime Turtle

Anime Turtle

Everything About Anime

18 August

Chrome Shelled Regios Review

Chrome Shelled Regios

    In the anime, which takes place in a future time period, various creatures called Limbekoon or Filth Monsters, which are affected by environmental pollution, have forced people to live in mobile cities. The people living in these cities called Regios try to protect themselves against these monsters by using their weapons called Dite and the kei power. A young man named Layfon Alseif, who wants to forget his past, transfers to a school in the city of Regios named Czerni. However, Layfon, whose talents are recognized soon, finds himself in new wars. Also known as Koukaku no Regios, this anime is adapted from the light novel series by Shsuke Amagi and directed by Itsuro Kawasaki.

    Chrome Shelled Regios contains elements similar to many anime in its genre with its plot and characters, the main character who is very strong and does not like to use his powers, and beautiful girls walking around. Of course, although these themes and the subject are quite classic, it can be said that they are very popular among anime lovers. Although many additions and different elements have been added to the story, it does not go beyond the classics. The fact that none of the characters ever change or advance in any way is easily the most obvious flaw in the show. If you are interested in strong characters and harem, you will love this anime.

Chrome Shelled Regios Layfon

    One of the most criticized points of the anime is the drawings, but it should not be forgotten that the anime was made in 2009. Although very high-quality drawn animes were made at that time, I think Chrome Shelled Regios did a good job compared to many animes.

    The story begins with the story of different characters being told, and these stories merge later. For this reason, viewers who have just started watching anime may stop watching; our advice to viewers is to be patient a little longer.

    In conclusion, if you like the themes that the anime offers you, you can give it a try. As we mentioned above, you may need to be patient at the starting point. As an additional note, Chrome Shelled Regios is an anime that is loved by some and harshly criticized by others. So what are your thoughts on this anime? You can send your thoughts to our readers in the comment section and us.

Chrome Shelled Regios

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